Cooking class Bangkok

People of Hom : Steve


Here is Steve from China. We met him while he was in Hom’s kitchen chopping beef and spring onion. Then marinate the beef with spring onion and ginger. He had a very good knife skill that he could chop every ingredient so quickly. He told us that a lot of Chinese people have good knife skills because it was passed down by their parents. At first he made it for himself because he liked to cook. But then later on when there were another guests coming, he wanted to make soup to share with the people in the hostel.





He joined the cooking demo that day and the chef made rice seasoned with shrimp paste. This menu takes quite sometimes to cook since there are plenty of ingredients to become one dish. There are sliced omelette, Chinese sausage, fried dried shrimp, sliced shallots, chopped string beans, sliced red chilli, sliced sour mango, and caramelized pork belly.


Steve did not know what fermented shrimp paste was so we let him try once and his looked surprised as the taste was extremely salty. It is definitely salty because it is like the concentrate of a thousands of shrimps in it. But he knew that with garlic and rice together in the pan it would absolutely turn out delicious.


Of course he was right, It was so delicious that he finished the whole thing!


Your HOM Family